Note of the Adults PSW Network event on 3 May 2023

Your chairs and vice-chairs welcomed everyone to network event and introduced the key priorities as workforce development, with a particular focus on retention.

Each region then provided updates of important issues within their area.

A message from the Chief Social Worker for Adults

Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker, couldn’t be with us but sent a message that highlighted workforce capacity and retention. Lyn also discussed the importance of working with key partners for a multi-disciplinary response and focus, and contributing to research projects to obtain key evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of social work in making lives better.

Sarah Range, National Co-Chair of the PSW Network, reprised the ADASS Spring Conference, reminding all PSWs that they are members of ADASS, with voting rights and they need to make sure we have strong representation.

Schwartz Centre Rounds

Paula Swift, National Vice-Chair of the PSW Network, gave a presentation on Schwartz Centre Rounds. These are a structured, facilitated and confidential safe space for you to discuss the emotional and social aspects of your experiences while working in your role. Two colleagues then took part in Schwartz Rounds, showing how impactful and insightful they can be.

ADASS mentoring scheme

Sue Lightup, ADASS, took us through how the ADASS mentoring scheme works, with colleagues highlighting how valuable they had found the scheme to be.

Thank you to everyone who attended for making this an extremely worthwhile and thought-provoking event.

Hannah, Sarah, Jolaade, Paula