Note of the Adults PSW Network event on 1 February 2024

  • The PSW Adults Network Chairs welcomed everyone to the face-to-face event on 1 February in London and commenced with reflections on being a network chair.
  • James Bullion, CBE the Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at CQC, set the context for the CQC Assurance Framework.
  • This was followed by PSW colleagues sharing their experiences of CQC assurance and inspection (Rachael Willis, Director of Social Work at Lancashire and Cumbria NHS Trust; Amanda Takavarasha, PSW at Suffolk County Council; Sarah Gibbons, PSW at Nottingham City; Becky Jackson, PSW at North Lincolnshire).
  • The PSW Adult chair team then reflected back over the morning and got everyone to take part in an activity where they shared a book, a podcast, a song or a film (or anything) that motivates you that you’d like others to know about
  • ‘Finding your leadership voice’ was presented by Dez Holmes (Director, Research in Practice)
  • Jill Manthorpe, CBE celebrated 75 years of social work.
  • Lyn Romeo looked back on her time as Chief Social Worker.