Linear and complex causality
Paying attention to context when predicting human behaviour.
This film is part of the Working with uncertainty and risk in children's social care: Video learning resources.
Human behaviour is shaped by the context in which it occurs. Professor Eileen Munro shares the key elements of a systems-based approach and how it is informed by complexity theory.
Talking Points
This video looks at:
- Systems-based approaches.
- What we can learn from complexity theory.
- The effect of work based conditions on practitioners.
- Why complex factors require feedback to adjust and adapt.
Reflective questions
- How would you start to gather and use feedback to adjust and adapt your practice?
- How might your organisation apply and embed a systems-based approach?
Related resources
- Recovery, work-life balance, wellbeing: how to switch off.
- Social Work Organisational Resilience Diagnostic.
- Supporting practitioner wellbeing: Practice Guide (2022).
- Supporting wellbeing remotely: Leaders' Briefing (2021).
- Embedding a trauma-informed approach to support staff wellbeing in children’s social care (2021).
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Child and family assessment | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Confident analysis and decision-making | Purposeful and effective social work | Support effective decision-making | Designing a system to support effective practice
PCF - Critical reflection and analysis | Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations