Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews – Learning Support Project

Exploring how high-quality learning can be gained from serious incidents to better protect children and young people.

Research in Practice is delivering the Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews – Learning Support Project (CSPRP) with the University of East Anglia (UEA), and the Vulnerability, Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) to better understand how safeguarding partners deliver Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPRs).

The project will explore how high-quality learning can be gained from serious incidents to better protect children and young people and involve safeguarding partners from across the country, professionals and families with experience of review processes.

The National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel will use learning from this project to inform recommendations to government about how to improve the LCSPR process and the wider system of learning.

Regular blogs and briefings from the project will be published here.

To talk to us about the project, or hear about opportunities to get involved, contact:

Learning Support Project resources